Big Bear Pilates Under New Ownership!

Photo by Kathy Portie | Big Bear Grizzly

Photo by Kathy Portie | Big Bear Grizzly

Big Bear Pilates is now owned and operated by Patty Hafen.  Patty has worked with former Big Bear Pilates owners Siri Dharma Galliano and Vil Shaynurov here in Big Bear Lake for many years.  She looks forward to continuing their tradition of Romana-inspired Pilates teaching.

Introductory Rates are as follows:

One hour session for $12 or
Package of ten sessions for $100

Reformer and other Equipment
One hour session for $45 or
Package of five sessions for $200

Duets (teaching two people at the same time on equipment)
One hour session for $20 p/person or
Package of five sessions for $90 p/person

Rates subject to change.  See our Class Rates page for current rates and scheduling.

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